יארצייט - אך פרי תבואה תשע״ד

8/11/2014 - ט״ו בְּאָב תשע״ד
140th Yartzeit of founder of Liska Chasidus Observed

The Liska Rebbe Rav Tzvi Hersh Friedlander conducted the annual Yartzit Tisch in honor of his forbear and namesake Rav Tzvi Hersh of Liska ZATZAL, author of Ach Pri Tevuah. Prominent adherents of the Liska Rebbe gathered at the Liska Bais Medrash to hear divrei Torah which also focused on current events.

Additionally, throughout the world the yartzeit of one of Hungary's most renowned Chasidic Rebbe was commemorated by various communities who feel a connection to this great tzadik.

It was reported that In the town of Liska itself, many traveled to be mispalel on the day of the yartzeit in the newly rebuilt OHEL which and is kept up by a vaad under the leadership of the Liska Rebbe. Approximately 30 years years Reb Tzvi Kestenbaum oversaw the refurbishing of the cemetery in Liska to enable the traditional visits to kevrei Tzadikim in Liska--maintaining the minhag of pre war Hungary when thousands would daven at the tzion in Liska and merit yeshous.

Photo Credit Shmuel Lenchevsky
בילדער: שמואל לענטשעווסקי

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